50 Sandor Clegane Quotes (Imaginary)

    The Psychology of the Hound

  1. A dog doesn’t choose to be beaten; it learns to bite. That’s all the world ever taught me.

  3. You think fear can be cured? When you’ve been burned, every fire is a furnace.

  5. There’s a beast in every man, and mine was caged by fire.

  7. My brother made me a monster, but the world showed me what to do with it.

  9. Every scream is a memory, every glance in a mirror is a reminder. You think that leaves room for much else?

    The True Nature of Knighthood

  11. Knights? The lot of them are killers in silk cloaks and shiny armor.

  13. You call it honor; I call it a pretty lie to dress up the butcher’s work.

  15. A real knight fights not because he wants to, but because he has to. I never saw a true knight, just men with swords.

  17. The world loves a knight, not because he’s good but because he pretends well.

  19. If knighthood is about protecting the weak, then why are there so many crushed under the hooves of those gallant horses?

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    Battle Scars: Physical and Emotional

  21. This face scares people, but it’s the scars inside that scare me.

  23. Every man wears his scars. Mine just happen to show.

  25. You look at me and see a monster, but don’t think I ever forgot what made me this way.

  27. A scar is just a wound that’s stopped bleeding but never stopped hurting.

  29. They say time heals all wounds. They haven’t seen my face.

    Relationship with Arya Stark

  31. The girl’s like a sword: too much fire used in making her, leaving her sharp but brittle.

  33. She thinks she’s using me to get home, but we’re both just trying to find a way through the dark.

  35. We’re not friends, but there’s something between us; like shared blood on the same blade.

  37. She’s got the fire of the North in her, burns hot and cuts deep.

  39. Arya might hate me, but she learns. And that’s more than most.

    The Role of Fear

  41. Everyone is afraid of something. That fear keeps you alive or gets you killed.

  43. I fight because I’m scared. Scared of what happens if I don’t.

  45. Fear is the honest part of a man. It tells you what’s worth fighting for.

  47. You can lie about not being afraid, but in the dark, the truth comes out.

  49. When you’ve seen what I’ve seen, fear is as much a part of you as your shadow.

    Escape from the Kingsguard

  51. I left the Kingsguard because a dog can only be kicked so many times before it turns on its master.

  53. Fire was my terror, but I’d sooner face every flame than serve another day under that mad boy king.

  55. That cloak was a shackle, and I threw it off. Better to be a rogue than a butcher’s blade.

  57. Leaving the Kingsguard wasn’t just desertion—it was salvation from a mad court.

  59. I didn’t flee from battle, I fled from madness. There’s no honor in burning men alive.

    A Man Apart: The Outsider’s Perspective

  61. From the outside, you see the rot in the kingdom’s heart that those on the inside pretend not to smell.

  63. I’ve always been an outsider, and that’s the only way to live if you don’t want the filth to stain you too deep.

  65. Being apart gives you the freedom to look at them all and see kings and queens for the fools they are.

  67. An outsider’s eyes aren’t clouded by the crowns and the glory. We see the lies up close.

  69. The court’s a cesspit and every lord a liar. I just chose to stand far enough away to avoid the stench.

    The Redemption Arc of the Hound

  71. If a man like me can find some kind of redemption, it’s in the eyes of those I’ve saved, not those I’ve slain.

  73. Redemption? A man does good, it doesn’t wash out the bad, nor the bad the good.

  75. Maybe there’s no washing away the blood, but you can try to balance the scales.

  77. Protecting the Stark girls might be the closest I’ve come to doing something purely good.

  79. A man’s past deeds are like his shadows: always there, but they don’t define you unless you let them.

    The Brotherhood Without Banners

  81. Those outlaws think they serve justice, but their justice is just another word for revenge.

  83. The Brotherhood claims to fight for the people, but who decides which people?

  85. They call it the Brotherhood Without Banners, I call it a gang of murderers hiding behind a cause.

  87. Fighting them showed me that every man believes he’s righteous in his own eyes.

  89. Their brand of justice burns hotter and cuts deeper than any lord’s law.

    Legacy of the Clegane Family

  91. The Clegane legacy is one of blood and loyalty, dogs loyal to a fault, until they bite.

  93. My house taught me to be hard and strong, but I had to teach myself when to be gentle.

  95. We Cleganes are known for our strength, but our true legacy is the pain we’ve borne and inflicted.

  97. I bear the legacy of my father and brother like a scar—it shows who I am, not who I have to be.

  99. In the Clegane family, loyalty was the chain and violence the key. Breaking both set me free.

Movies and Series list

grey's anatomy

Prison Break

Fast & Furious

Harry Potter